
Worked with sustainability researchers, academics and students to find the optimal design solution for Life Cycle Analysis Software. Conducted several rounds of formal user observations, usability testing, low fidelity prototyping, computer prototyping.


Data Homebase is a web application visualizing Canada’s housing characteristics to foster a circular economy. It aims to standardize housing data relevant to a circular economy through developing housing passports and delivering an accessible web-based interface to navigate them.


Gahva is a macOS application built mainly to help me stay on tasks by forcing me to acknowledge my tasks everyday. It helps you declutter, and keep your list minimal and improve focus.


UX Case Study for a new Music Discovery feature I designed for Spotify



Wisual allows users to generate the perfect color schemes for their marketing and general needs. It uses color theory algorithms and specific color manupilations to create a UI (with injected CSS and HTML code) and multiple palettes for the user to choose from.


Stealth Mode

Stealth Mode allows you to quickly make your VS Code editor dark and completely non-visible.



This Chrome extension allows you to track your quick To-do list, set a study timer and play zen study music all at the same time while you browse!